PV Scientific Instruments |
About Static Generating Machines |
About Static Machines | About Leyden Jars |
Humankinds very first experiences at generating electricity resulted from friction. The ancient Greeks noticed that rubbing a piece of amber with fleece caused it to attract bits of dust and straw, and our word electricity is based on the Greek word for amber, elektron. The first real experimentation with electricity began to take place around the middle of the 17th century. At that time, a German scientist named Otto von Guericke noticed that sparks resembling lightning jumped from a spinning sulfur ball that he had been rubbing with his hand. Thus was born the first static electric generating machine. Experimenters improved and developed this frictional type of machine until the largest versions of it could produce sparks in excess of two feet. The operation of such machines, however, was very dependent on weather conditionsit was relatively easy to produce large electrical discharges in cool dry weather, but very difficult in warm humid weather. In late 18th-century England, Abraham Bennett constructed a static electric generator that completely did away with friction. Bennetts much more efficient machine separated electrical charges and physically moved them to storage positions. Soon, induction static machines of this kind were found in every scientific laboratory as sources of high-voltage, low-current electricity. In the early 19th century, James Wimshurst, a British scientist, invented the most advanced induction static machine. The easiest of all static machines to operate, it quickly became the standard. During the latter part of the 19th century, static machines were indispensible in producing the high voltage needed for the great amount of experimentation with high-voltage vacuum tubes which was taking place. Here at PV Scientific Instruments, we are proud to offer a series of reproduction frictional and induction static electric generating machines, built according to traditional standards and using the best modern materials available for maximum efficiency and voltage output. Please contact us at 607 387-6752 for further information. |
Crystal Radios |
Regenerative Radios |
Radio Kits |
Static Machines |
Induction Coils |
Vacuum Tubes |
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